
About Me

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I am Trevor the lactose intolerant Turtle. I was adopted by my lovely family from London Zoo. Join me in my adventures with my mummy Ananka!

Monday 5 July 2021

Snail After The Rain


I really like snails. They are such interesting and wonderful creatures. I love to see the different patterns and colours they have on their shells. This little fellow was happy to go across the path. After I took the photo, I helped him over to the other side. If I see snails on the paths I always put them into the grass or the woods. Nothing worse than seeing a squashed snail :-(


  1. It is so good that you were able to help the snail across the road! We can all use a little help every now and again.

    1. I always help the snails. I really do like them. That's it exactly, we can all do our bit! :-D

  2. I am afraid of snails and beetles and bees/

    1. Owww Irina why are you afraid of them? They are so small compared to us humans!
